Performance analytics for social shopping

Project overview
The Brand Dashboard was the desktop product for Fermat shops, which intended to optimize conversion for social media shopping experiences for B2C clients. The desktop product was linked to the customer’s Shopify store and primarily focused on general management of social media shopping experiences, such as permissions management and enabling product promotions, but lacked a robust way to review brand performance with Fermat shops. Once customers had set up their accounts, they rarely engaged with the desktop product because they had to switch between the desktop platform, social media accounts, internal spreadsheets, internal data sets, and ad platforms in order to evaluate overall performance driven by the use of Fermat’s distributed commerce technology.

Product designer, data visualization

  • Evaluate key marketing performance metrics for B2B clients
  •  Identify user goals when interacting with performance metrics
  • Design a sleek visualization that summarizes content marketing performance as a one-stop shop

PROJECT DURATION May 2022-July 2022

How might we facilitate performance analytics for a distributed marketing platform that involves social media campaigns, affiliate partnerships, and branded product promotions?

With disparate data sources, it was difficult for customers to attribute increases in revenue, conversion, and engagement to Fermat shops specifically
An all-in-one reporting solution

Marketing managers using the platform needed to be able to evaluate performance across products, campaigns, and affiliate partnership
Ability to filter and drill-down the data by various categories

Content is an important part of the marketing process and performance evaluation

Make it easy to connect affiliates and content to campaigns and promotions

The solution

The  Brand Dashboard engagement increased 64% over a 3-month period after implementation.  

  • Fermat-attributed performance showcased prominently
  • Simple visualization of the performance funnel
  • Content imagery to easily visualize trends in top-performing creators and campaigns
  • Active promotions visualized in one place for easy monitoring and management
  • Customizable home page widgets

    • Easily visualize conversion funnel
    • Drill-down by affiliate, product, or date range
    • Hover for tool tips & metrics definitions
    • Week-over-week comparisons
    • Table view for easy sorting
    • Exportable data for integration with brand reporting decks

    design & strategy